QuantumUtils for Mathematica is a software library for quantum information scientists.
View the Project on GitHub QuantumUtils/quantum-utils-mathematica
QuantumUtils for Mathematica is still a pre-alpha version, expect bugs until version 1.
QuantumUtils for Mathematica is a software library for quantum information scientists. Features include:
QuantumUtils officially requires Mathematica 10.0.0 or newer. Most features should work with Mathematica 9, and full compatibility with Mathematica 9 will be added in the future. Older versions of Mathematica are not supported.
Once this repository is cloned onto your computer, open the Install.nb notebook in Mathematica and follow instructions there (basically just Evaluation -> Evaluate Notebook).
The installation places and/or symlinks files in your $UserBaseDirectory
/Applications folder.
QuantumUtils includes a suite of unit tests to check if the installed packages are running correctly. After installation these tests can be accesed from the package QUTesting
by running the commands:
Packages from the QuantumUtils for Mathematica library can be loaded by invoking the Needs
function, for example:
All packages provided by QuantumUtils for Mathematica can be loaded simultaneously by needsing QuantumUtils`:
Documentation is stored as .nb notebooks in the doc folder. The documentation index can be opened from within Mathematica at any time by evaluating:
Alternatively, once any package from Quantum Utils for Mathematica has been loaded, the QUDoc[]
function may be used:
QUDoc[] (* Opens index *)
QUDoc["QUPackageName`"] (* Opens documentation notebook for QUPackageName` *)
QUDoc[FunctionName] (* Opens and highlights documentation for FunctionName *)
For inline function descriptions, the usage text can be displayed using the ?
symbol as with built-in functions:
You are free to use this software, with or without modification, provided that the conditions listed in the LICENSE.txt file are satisfied.